Thursday, December 27, 2012

Noonday Collection

Merry Christmas. So I have been chasing my 8 month old around and my 2 year old has been chasing me. I think my baby boy will take his first steps any day now. As the holidays come to a close I am starting a new chapter in my life. Tyler and I have been looking for a way to make more money to save up to buy a house one day. We have looked into a few things. And God has brought us to Noonday.
And as some of my friends know I started selling Body by Vi. It was a good learning experience. I got to work with some amazing women. I wanted to work with this company because I wanted to help people get healthier. I did not find much success with the company and did not like that my success wss based on getting other people to sell product. I did help people get the products to lose over 200 lbs. And I did make some money (thank you Tom's) and new friends. Well that chaper is over and after praying and waiting I have found the perfect place for me and my family. Noonday Collection. I can not even say enough good things about this company. The company was started to raise money for the founders adoption.  I will be selling jewelry and other goods made from Artisans struggling for a better future through fair trade. The selling of this jewelry helps give a voice to the oppressed. Also helps familys raise money for adoption. I am excited to start this journey. I will soon have a website and start having truck shows. You can check out noonday collection online and read about this great company of hope. If you would like more information contact me. I am also going to be givingaway a noonday product on January 5th. So come back on the 5th. I will also be posting my website soon. Im very excited to start being a Noonday Ambassador.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Do you ever have those moments in life where you feel like you fail at everything? I'm having one of those moments. I feel like I have so much to do. My cleaning/ organizing the house list is long. My time with God has not been quality time, time with hubby nope not there ether. I am having frustrating girl drama, where I feel like I'm in high school again. And I have never been good at being friends with girls. Im not good at conflict or if someone gets upset with me I feel like they hate me forever. Stupid I know. Well this moment has come. I feel just like a disappointment. I would like to do better but just not sure how to change for the long term. Like for example how do I a not so organized person become organized? I think it is one step at a time. And asking for help. It is just so hard not to get overwhelmed. I know I am trying to overcome something's. And for me that Is huge. I usually never try cause I'm afraid to fail. But this Blog is one thing that I am trying at. Not sure if anyone reads this, but the fact that I am putting out what I am writing is such a step forward. I hate writing. I don't even send thank you cards cause I'm do afraid I may miss spell something or sound stupid. I wrote out all of my thank you cards from my wedding and babies but through them in the trash, i just could not get myself to send them. So my biggest thing I'm working on is overcoming my fear of writing and looking stupid, so that way Dyslexia does not win, it won't control me and how I live.
The disappointment thing I think is more disappointing myself. I wish I was supper mom, and could do everything. But I think I just need to prioritize and realize I can not do it all.
Sorry I write like I talk / think. Random things pop in my head. One thing about cleaning my house/ witch retaliates to everything in my life, is that I tend to put stuff off. Like cleaning out the fridge. I had to do this yesterday. Not even going to tell you how long it had been. But I will just say gross. But it is one of those things I put off. Then the more I putt it off the worse it gets which makes me want to putt it off more. Until one day I have to break down and do it. Now if I only did it in the beginning it would had been a whole lot less smelly and gross. Same thing in my life. Now I think this is wrong. God did not make me to be lazy, or warm. My priorities show me what I care about the most. Except it doesn't. I don't love the Internet, or pinterest. But some times that is what I spend my time doing. God also said to do everything as if it were for him. Man my house would be spotless!!! And I would try at the harder things. I just need to live like that. Because he is always around. Blah blah blah, I feel like I'm not making sense. But I feel better. Hope I I'm not always negative. That is something I struggle with. I want to be positive! I want to uplift people, but be transparent.

Friday, September 21, 2012

No Sleep

So being a mom is hard. I can not even imagine being a single mom doing it on my own. I want to say you lady's are stronger than you think and if you can do this you can do anything! You are amazing! For me there are days that I am counting the seconds tell my hubby comes home! Or where we go shopping so that way they are both tied down. I enjoy/Love being a mom, it is just those days that get you down. Now if I stopped and prayed and focused my energy on God, I know I would have a different day, but do I do that? Not all the time, I let my bad mood get the best of me. I hate that! I want my boys to remember a happy mommy not a stressed out one. I Want to be there example of how you can call on God for anything! I want to show them I am a women of God. The Hardest thing I think being a parent for me is to remember my children are not mine. They are gifts from God and i God has entrusted them to us.
So kind of different note, Sleeping. I just got to where I can put My youngest to sleep and not check on him every 10 minutes. I am so scared of SIDS. I pray about it, but it was just one of those fear things I could not let go. I did it with my oldest son also. I just felt if I was not watching him all the time he could stop breathing. Needless to say I do not get much sleep. I know It is my fear and my flesh thinking I control things. When I know it has nothing to do with me. And I have no power to make him breath. Well I still worry and I'm still praying that God can help me in that area. So on top of that I worry about someone breaking into my house and stealing my babies. Crazy I know. So I had a bad dream last night and I was just shaken up by it, so I asked my husband to check my oldest sons bedroom windows. Well I think it was one of those God things cause both windows were unlocked. I was like what. We never open our windows and I knew they were locked before. But my hubby said they had just rattled unlocked. We live in an older home. So all night I worried about that. I am a light sleeper so it makes it harder to go back to sleep for me. Well so that was my night last night.
I pray for protection and I understand that what ever happens, God can use it for his Glory. And I know it is my duty to protect and raise my children. But also know that they are Gods children and he is watching over them. It just is hard to believe that I do not have all the power, to help and fix everything. But at least I serve a God that is all powerful!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Homemade Laundry Soap

Homemade Laundry Soap

I finally made my own laundry detergent. It was way easier than I had thought. Not sure why I waited so long. Im always looking for ways to save money. Thank you Pinterest!!! I do a lot of laundry! And as you all know it is expensive. This recipe was $20.34 and from what I have read should last 6 loads a week for a Year. Yes one whole year paying only $20.34 for soap.  So this is the recipe I used and the prices from Walmart.

 1 (5 lb) bucket- Found in the paint aisle $1.17
1 (4 lb 12 oz) Box of Borax- Found in the detergent aisle $3.38
1 (3 lb 7 oz) Box of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda- Found in the detergent aisle $3.24
1 (3 lb) Container of OxyClean- Found in the detergent aisle. (This is optional) $7.52
3 (14.1 oz) Bars of Fels-Naptha Soap- Found in the detergent aisle. $.97 each
1 (4 lb) Box of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda- Found in the cooking aisle $2.12 
Total $20.34

To make the laundry detergent you need to first grate your Fels Naptha bars. Using a cheese grater, I used the smallest part to grate. It took like 7 minutes. Then pore the rest of the ingredients in the bucket and mix together. I would suggest poring a little of each at a time and mix it together that way. That's it! It is that easy. You only need to use 1-2 Tablespoons per load. This was so easy I did it with my kids awake!

I'm about to be out of Dish washing soap, so I will be making and posting this recipe soon. Saving money one thing at a time. 

1-2 Tablespoons per load

Cupcake Pizzas

Cupcake Pizzas


Thank you Pinterest. These were supper good!!! Easy and fast. My Hubby and Oldest Loved them. We had them for lunch and we ate them all. I wanted more.
What You Need:
Pillsbury Refrigerated Pizza Dough
Pizza Sauce
Shredded Cheese ( I used mozzarella)
Pepperoni ( I used Turkey)
Cupcake Tin

Preheat oven to 425 degrees and grease the cupcake pan.
I pulled the dough apart and pushed the dough into the molds; try to make the dough cover the sides.
Next add the pizza sauce, cheese and pepperoni. I cut up my pepperoni, and did not put to much sauce (my preference)
Bake for 10-15 minutes.  
Yum Yum try tonight!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Measure up

So I said I would measure and post. So please do not judge me. My legs, bottom and mommy tummy are about to be exposed. I am posting to motivate me to change. So here it goes. I measured the largest parts of me that I would like to change.

September 17

Under bottom 40
Bottom 41
Tummy/love handles 38
Thighs 24 each
Waist 31 smallest part of tummy
Bust 38 1/2 with a sports bra on
Weight 164

Be My Everything (I ramble)

          Today was a good Sunday. Waking up and getting ready for church is a little stressful. Getting the boys ready and my self. I feel like I have nothing that looks good on me. Trying to cover up my enlarged (due to breast feeding) things on my chest, and trying to make it seem like I have everything under control. I'm usually frustrated by the time we get out of the door. Not a good way to start my day. But we started going to a new Church today. It feels like a home! It is awesome. People actually greet people and ask what our names are. I love the small church feel. A family instead of a community. (there is nothing wrong with our last church or big churches. They are great. God working in both. This is just my preference and my family moving to where we feel God wanting us to be.)One of the songs that we sang today was Everything by Tim Hughes. I love it. It is about God in every part of your life. In your breathing in your living. I struggle with this. I would love to say that I pray all the time, I read and understand the Bible everyday. That I seek God in everything I do. And i tell everyone i know about how much God Loves them and no matter what they have done they can not change that. I would love that, but to be honest I'm a big failure. These things I struggle at. I struggle with staying at home and with witnessing to others. I tend to stick to a routine and when I'm at the store I'm in and out as quick as possible before one or all three of us are crying. At home I quickly feel discharged with the list of things to do. But when I was singing that song at church I felt at peace. I knew that in that moment I was singing to Jesus to be my everything and to be with me always. And I know he listens and I truly believe he is with me always. I just need a little reminder sometimes.
          Being a Christ follower is not a list of things to do. I can not tell you if you read your bible every day and gave all your money to the poor and witnessed every chance you had, that you would go to heaven. It's not about Works!! This may sound strange. But honestly I am so happy, that getting to go to heaven and having The Holy Spirit with me today has nothing to do with how much I can do and or give up in my life. Because I would Miserably FAIL!! I mess up so much! Im not saying Following Christ living any way I want to. I'm saying that the Holy Spirit is in me because I hit rock bottom. It took me doing that to understand I Can Not Do This Life Thing By My Self. I have always understood that there was a God and he sent his son Jesus to die for me because I am a sinner. So I thought that meant I was a Christian. For me that was not so. I had never given my life to Christ. I was holding on to the things I wanted to fix first. I was saying that I didn't need help in this area, I didn't have faith that God could help me with this. More like I didn't think God would care enough to help little me with my problems.
Honestly I think what kept me away the most was I didn't think God would Love me. Everyone else, but just not me. Why would he love me??? That was my biggest fear. If I put my life out there would the God that knows every thought and action Love me?
       Well hitting rock bottom with no where else to go, I surrendered my broken life to God. And he Loves me. And there is absolutely nothing I can do change his love for me. I'm not saying from then on my life has been perfect and nothing bad has happened to me. No. But I can tell you I never have to be alone again. The God of the Universe is with me and loves me. With him I can do all things. This love he has for me makes me desire to know him more, to talk to him more and to tell people that My God is Your God and he Loves you just as much as he Loves me. That is why I want to do more. Not just a list to get done in the day. Not just a set of rules to follow.
I need to remember that my time with God is not something to check off my list. That he is always with me and in my frustration in my weeping in my laughing moments and in every moment he is with me. I can talk to him whenever, and seeing him in everything. I can  see all the beautiful blessings he has given me. It is amazing that God loves me do much that he wants to see his Glory and be with him. John 17:24 "Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.

God FIRST Loved me and I want to live for him because he has saved me.
Well this song is my desire to God. Christ in me, be my everything. I pray that I can be a light to others so they to can find your Love.

God in my living
There in my breathing
God in my waking

God in my sleeping
God in my resting
There in my working
God in my thinking
God in my speaking

Be my everything
Be my everything
Be my everything
Be my everything

God in my hoping
There in my dreaming
God in my wathcing
God in my waiting
God in my laughing
There in my weeping
God in my hurting
God in my healing

Christ in me
Christ in me
Christ in me the hope of glory
You are everything

Christ in me
Christ in me
Christ in me the hope of glory

Be my everything

You are everything
Jesus, Everything

Saturday, September 15, 2012

First 5 K

So today I did my first 5 K. I was not prepared for it. First I am not a runner. I wish I was. I want to be, but I get winded just thinking about running. I just started walking this summer, just about 1 mile 3 times a week. But I did the race because it was for the Eden Clinic. The Eden Clinic is for women and girls who are pregnant. Give free counseling, ultrasounds and about adoption if needed also gives them the tools and materials to take care of a baby. It is to support life! Anyways it was for a good cause. As you may have read I just started working out yesterday. I did a Zumba class and was feeling the pain today. The race was early this morning, it was about 60 degrees and misting. I did the race pushing my 2 boys. Let me tell you it was good, but hard. I wanted to give up a couple of times but my car was by the Finnish line. So i pushed on and was very proud of myself. My boys were amazing!! They loved it. My goal was to not be last. With starting a couple minutes late I had to jog a little to catch up to the walkers. I have never walked more than 2 miles and I only did 2 miles once and with friends. This time was different. I was alone with my boys, I was sore, it was early and by end me and my boys were soaking wet. I kept going and I finished at 49 minutes. Starting late it probably was more like 47 minute. Don't laugh I know that is not a good time. But you have got to start some where. Well I never thought that crossing the finish line would feel so good. I am not very good at following through in life. I always seem to never Finish anything. But I did it!!! I finished. My older son did the toddler dash. He fell two times, with a face plant into wet grass, but he got back up and held my hand in the end to the Finish. He was laughing and loving it. He loves to run, especially away from me. There were so many great people cheering him on. It brings such Joy to my heart to see him so happy.
Not sure I will be able to walk tomorrow, but this is strange but I feel great. The past two days I feel tiered but like I have energy. My brain feels clear. And I just feel healthier, better me. It also makes me want to eat better. There is no way 1 hour of Zumba should equal one cheese burger. That does not even include fries.
Well with my first race down, I hope to get into shape and do more. If you have ever wanted to do one, just know you can do it!! And park by the Finish line!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Working out

So after having 2 kids my body does not feel/look the same. I enjoyed eating whatever I wanted during pregnancy. I gained about 40 lbs with each boy. I lost it in between them. And I have about 10 lbs to go to be at pre pregnancy weight. But wow. I must have lost a lot of muscle or something because I am way more mushy/ flabby and I can not fit into any of my pants and winter is coming. So it is about time for me to shape up. I would love to drop an additional 10 lbs so a total of 20 lbs. I would love to be a size 8 in pants. All my weight is in my rump/ legs. I don't want to be supper skinny, but I want to wear shorts and be comfortable. I also want to be able to keep up with my boys. Also I think as a Christian we should take care of our body. This is what God gave us. We ask God to come into our "hearts" to be with us forever. So wouldn't you want to look your best and take the best care of what God has given you. I am speaking to myself hear. Something I tend to forget on a daily basis. I'm not saying not to enjoy food. I am just going to actually enjoy my food, life and body. And 1 thing more. I tend to pray before eating, out of routine. And I ask God to bless this food to nourish my body, as I am eating French fries and ice cream. When it is my choice to eat this bad food. And God is not going to change the calorie count of my food just because I pray to him. God never changes. And I love that!
Well what I am going to do about this. I'm starting slow. I'm going to try to eat better and smarter. I am going to start working out. I am going to post my measurements and maybe a before picture. I will also be posting about my progress, recipes, and workouts. I will give myself a free day and also big thing, I am breast feeding so I will be adding an additional 500 calories to my diet (thank you baby)!!
You can do it with me, I will be trying to keep up with my food with My fitness pal app. Im under Ketnerhomes. It is great. Just plug in your info and it will tell you how many calories to eat for your body size to loose weight. And it's free!!

I went to do my first work out at the YMCA as a guest to see if I would like it. I was afraid I would pee my pants. If you are a mom you may understand what I am saying (I happen to be one of the few people who loose all bladder control for a long time after giving birth) I also was afraid of looking like a red faced, out of breath women on the floor.
My son is 5 months old and this was my first workout besides walking. It was awesome. Not only did I get Mommy time, but I love Zumba. It made me feel so good. And I just slowed down when I needed to and sped up when I had more energy. The 75 year old women next to me encouraged me to keep going. So with the fist step taken I am ready to get healthy! For me, my kids, my hubby and so I can serve God the best I can!!

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body," (1 Cor. 6:19-20).

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Love like a child

I want to Love/Live like my boys. Full heartily, not caring about what others think. Just knowing HE is the way. Sin=sin and that's that.

Matthew 18:3
And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

God Does Listen

;  So yesterday I was praying about how to discipline my almost 2 year old. He is a great little boy, and may I say he is all BOY. It was just one of those days where we were just bumping heads. I do not like how mad I get and how I treat him when I am mad at him. Let me be honest, I am not that great at this parenting thing. Still trying to figure it out, and just when I think iv got it, he grows and we have new challenges. So how do you discipline a child? Every child is different, and they are little sponges soaking up everything we tell them and our every action. I would like my son to remember me as a loving kind mom. Not a mom who is frustrated all the time. If you know my son you will know that he likes to scream. So when I tell him not to scream I have to raise my voice. Not very effective/ kind or a good example. So these are just some things I'm personally struggling with. I want to control myself better so I can teach my children how to control themselves. Does that make sense? Basically I feel like I need to change and be a better mother. To have more patience and to be kind and loving. Well I pray about it a lot, cause I get frustrated a lot. Well yesterday my husband and I went over to a friends house and had some great fellowship. We talked about how we teach our children "babies" about God. And basically it was by showing them Grace. God has given us Grace. And showing our children Grace is a great way to show Gods Love for us to our children. I may have butchered that all up. But for me it was like God was speaking right to me. He had listened to my prayers earlier that day and he was talking just to me. What I had gotten from this was this:
1)God has loved me, does love me and will always love me. I think about how much I love my Kids and I can not even comprehend that God loves us even more than that.
2) Grace, He forgives me for messing up. And reminds me that my children are his children. They are gifts. And he is walking and teaching them everyday.
That instead of focusing on discipline I need to focus on Grace. Showing my sons Grace, and explaining to them the reason I giving grace is because God first gave me Grace. What a great way to share God with my children.
3) I'm never alone. God will be there to help me every step. With parenting, and my daily life. He knew I was struggling yesterday, so he picked me up and dusted me off and said I God Love You.

This may be cheesy but it is how I feel. I am a sinner, i mess up everyday. And im pretty positive I will mess up After I post this. But what I do know is that I'm forgiven and Loved, and there is nothing I can do to change that. To be a better Mom I just need to first seek and love God. That Love will overflow to my children my husband and to you.
My verse for today is
1 John 4:19
We love because he first loved us.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Why Blog:

What i am going to post on my blog:

My life:
1) What God is doing in my life
2) Food recipes
3) Getting fit. Hope to have before and after pictures

Love my Boys

Me and my youngest Boy.


Question: How do you do it all?
... I struggle with "it ALL"

With that said I would like to tell you what All is to me.

Quiet time
Reading Bible
Husband one on One time
Playing with my Boys
Teaching my Boys
Cleaning the House
Cooking Dinner
Me time
and all the little things
Being Loving, Kind and Caring
And Sharing Gods Love.

    I hope to one day be able to do these things without struggle so I can focus more on God and family. Some days I think I can do it all and get a lot done, but then other days I'm lucky to go to the bathroom. Did I mention my 2 boys are under the age of 2. With this struggle to do it all, I find great Joy in the great Blessing that my God has given me, Tyler my Husband. He is the most loving caring husband and the best Dad.  He helps me around the house, works 6 days a week so I can stay home and comes Home from a hard day at work "outside" and plays with our boys. He never makes me feel like I didn't do enough. We both belive that the dishes will be there tomorrow, but time with our kids Is priceless.
   So I know that If I put God first and do all things for him, my priority's will fall in line. So my life time Goal is to put God first.
My verse for today is Colossians 3:23- Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.

And I know having a blog isn't that one more thing. Yes, but this goes under Mom time.