Friday, September 14, 2012

Working out

So after having 2 kids my body does not feel/look the same. I enjoyed eating whatever I wanted during pregnancy. I gained about 40 lbs with each boy. I lost it in between them. And I have about 10 lbs to go to be at pre pregnancy weight. But wow. I must have lost a lot of muscle or something because I am way more mushy/ flabby and I can not fit into any of my pants and winter is coming. So it is about time for me to shape up. I would love to drop an additional 10 lbs so a total of 20 lbs. I would love to be a size 8 in pants. All my weight is in my rump/ legs. I don't want to be supper skinny, but I want to wear shorts and be comfortable. I also want to be able to keep up with my boys. Also I think as a Christian we should take care of our body. This is what God gave us. We ask God to come into our "hearts" to be with us forever. So wouldn't you want to look your best and take the best care of what God has given you. I am speaking to myself hear. Something I tend to forget on a daily basis. I'm not saying not to enjoy food. I am just going to actually enjoy my food, life and body. And 1 thing more. I tend to pray before eating, out of routine. And I ask God to bless this food to nourish my body, as I am eating French fries and ice cream. When it is my choice to eat this bad food. And God is not going to change the calorie count of my food just because I pray to him. God never changes. And I love that!
Well what I am going to do about this. I'm starting slow. I'm going to try to eat better and smarter. I am going to start working out. I am going to post my measurements and maybe a before picture. I will also be posting about my progress, recipes, and workouts. I will give myself a free day and also big thing, I am breast feeding so I will be adding an additional 500 calories to my diet (thank you baby)!!
You can do it with me, I will be trying to keep up with my food with My fitness pal app. Im under Ketnerhomes. It is great. Just plug in your info and it will tell you how many calories to eat for your body size to loose weight. And it's free!!

I went to do my first work out at the YMCA as a guest to see if I would like it. I was afraid I would pee my pants. If you are a mom you may understand what I am saying (I happen to be one of the few people who loose all bladder control for a long time after giving birth) I also was afraid of looking like a red faced, out of breath women on the floor.
My son is 5 months old and this was my first workout besides walking. It was awesome. Not only did I get Mommy time, but I love Zumba. It made me feel so good. And I just slowed down when I needed to and sped up when I had more energy. The 75 year old women next to me encouraged me to keep going. So with the fist step taken I am ready to get healthy! For me, my kids, my hubby and so I can serve God the best I can!!

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body," (1 Cor. 6:19-20).

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