Thursday, September 13, 2012

God Does Listen

;  So yesterday I was praying about how to discipline my almost 2 year old. He is a great little boy, and may I say he is all BOY. It was just one of those days where we were just bumping heads. I do not like how mad I get and how I treat him when I am mad at him. Let me be honest, I am not that great at this parenting thing. Still trying to figure it out, and just when I think iv got it, he grows and we have new challenges. So how do you discipline a child? Every child is different, and they are little sponges soaking up everything we tell them and our every action. I would like my son to remember me as a loving kind mom. Not a mom who is frustrated all the time. If you know my son you will know that he likes to scream. So when I tell him not to scream I have to raise my voice. Not very effective/ kind or a good example. So these are just some things I'm personally struggling with. I want to control myself better so I can teach my children how to control themselves. Does that make sense? Basically I feel like I need to change and be a better mother. To have more patience and to be kind and loving. Well I pray about it a lot, cause I get frustrated a lot. Well yesterday my husband and I went over to a friends house and had some great fellowship. We talked about how we teach our children "babies" about God. And basically it was by showing them Grace. God has given us Grace. And showing our children Grace is a great way to show Gods Love for us to our children. I may have butchered that all up. But for me it was like God was speaking right to me. He had listened to my prayers earlier that day and he was talking just to me. What I had gotten from this was this:
1)God has loved me, does love me and will always love me. I think about how much I love my Kids and I can not even comprehend that God loves us even more than that.
2) Grace, He forgives me for messing up. And reminds me that my children are his children. They are gifts. And he is walking and teaching them everyday.
That instead of focusing on discipline I need to focus on Grace. Showing my sons Grace, and explaining to them the reason I giving grace is because God first gave me Grace. What a great way to share God with my children.
3) I'm never alone. God will be there to help me every step. With parenting, and my daily life. He knew I was struggling yesterday, so he picked me up and dusted me off and said I God Love You.

This may be cheesy but it is how I feel. I am a sinner, i mess up everyday. And im pretty positive I will mess up After I post this. But what I do know is that I'm forgiven and Loved, and there is nothing I can do to change that. To be a better Mom I just need to first seek and love God. That Love will overflow to my children my husband and to you.
My verse for today is
1 John 4:19
We love because he first loved us.

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